Five Fundamental Steps to Becoming a Trusted Partner with Hospice - How to Join the Care Continuum

What you can expect to get from our free guide:

This definitive guide will help you in establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with local hospice care providers .

Building relationships with the right hospice professionals is important but knowing how to best position your funeral home to be part of the continuum of care following hospice care requires an in-depth understanding of how hospices organizations work.

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“​ Greg and Lacy make the perfect team...”

It is an honor to have the opportunity to support Greg Grabowski and Lacy Robinson in their endeavor to assist funeral directors in recognizing the importance of relationships, specifically those between Hospice and the front-line funeral director.

Dan Funchess - Funeral Director/Embalmer, RN, BSN, CCM

Greg and Lacy make the perfect team. Greg’s extensive background as a leader in Hospice coupled with Lacy’s expertise as a licensed funeral director/embalmer allows them to see the importance of the Hospice/Funeral Director continuum of care.

My interaction with both Greg and Lacy in various settings has reinforced my initial impression that both are passionate about serving
others and making a difference in the lives of those who are traveling through the challenges of losing someone they love. My first introduction to Greg and Hospice Advisors came at a presentation for a social media initiative to drive relationships between funeral
homes and the families they serve before and after the loss of a loved one. Greg spoke specifically about how funeral homes could benefit from seeing the interaction with Hospice providers as an opportunity to serve families holistically.

He graciously invested himself by meeting with our funeral home location managers throughout a two-year span. Greg worked with our group to develop a plan to optimize our partnerships with local Hospices. Greg’s approach began with Hospice 101 and then emphasizing that the professionals in Hospice are not adversarial to funeral homes, instead they are very much for the families they serve. The funeral director should be seen as a collaborative solution in caring for families and viewed as a co-laborer and partner in the task of supporting those in grief. He radically changed our perspective on Hospice.

Greg personally led sessions in group settings following up with one-on-one meetings with each location manager. He reviewed local data with each location manager to help them see the opportunities within their local Hospice organizations. This data gave us a trackable reference point for each firm, allowing us to establish benchmarks to target.

The individualized plans that Greg developed for each of our firms gave the respective location managers workable action plans. Through these actions plans each firm increased meaningful dialogue with local Hospices. Greg also presented tools to allow us to track results and create accountability at the local level.

Through Greg’s guidance, our firms were able to see a notable increase in market share and consumer satisfaction. Simply put, Greg allowed us to see the opportunities and gave us the tools and expertise to take advantage of untapped resources.

As a side note, Greg’s interactions with our funeral homes motivated other notable industry partners and consultants to see the importance
of building relationships with local Hospice groups.

I am excited to see Greg and Lacy’s new book and am certain that the guidance given to funeral directors will be both innovative and extremely insightful.

The subject matter of this book is long overdue and will target our profession at a time when we are struggling for relevancy.


​Schedule your complimentary dialogue to explore how we could help you achieve your goals.

Hospice Advisors provides educational and consulting services to help funeral homes in any market build a mutually beneficial partnership with their local hospice providers. Our team works directly with funeral home owners, managers, funeral directors, pre-arrangement specialists, and community outreach directors in identifying hospice partnership opportunities to create and execute a comprehensive plan for business growth.

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